Victory Organics d.o.o is a Croatian Company with a dedicated team of experienced biotechnologists, geologists, and business developers. The company is licensed in the production, distribution, and trade of Fertilizers. With the know-how in research and experimental biotechnology the Victory Organics d.o.o has accomplished to produce a new generation of plant bio stimulant and achieved a paradigm shift in a sustainable plant nutrition, under the condition of a green and ecological production process. Our Advisory Board consists of a selected group of independent experts who advise and support the Victory Organics team. They help us with strategic advice on commercial and technological issues.

Peter Czwalina_Generalni menadžer
PETER CZWALINAGeneral manager
Director of Victory Organics d.o.o Peter Czwalina has over 35 years history of executive financial management in high technology companies. He has built up successful several companies as a managing Director and co-owner. With mergers and acquisitions, he enabled those companies to grow aggressively and efficiently.
Ing.DARINA ŠTYRIAKOVÁ_Voditeljica razvoja proizvoda
Ing. DARINA ŠTYRIAKOVÁ, PhD.Head of product development
15 years of experience in Biomining, Biotreatment of raw materials and Bioremediation of potentially toxic elements (PTE) pollution. Most recently she was Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies, Technical University of Kosice, and is a Professional Research Associate at the Slovakian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute.
Dr.Sc. Ing. IVETA ŠTYRIAKOVÁ_Voditeljica istraživanja
Dr.Sc. Ing. IVETA ŠTYRIAKOVÁHead of research
The specialist with 30 years of experience in the management of Bioremediation in operation and monitoring of physio-chemical and microbiological parameters. Iveta is a state (Slovakia) appointed expert for geological research, geological environmental studies and geochemical work.
Ante Žunec_Stručnii suradnik
ANTE ŽUNEC, mag. oecol. et prot.Expert associate
Ante Žunec has working experience in the Department of Natural and Health Sciences. Beside of the University Project researching an alternative shellfish aquaculture in the climate change condition, he is writing his doctorate of polychaete ecology.
Nuša Žunec_Pravna savjetnica
NUŠA ŽUNECLegal adviser
Nuša Žunec works as Adviser for Legal Affairs at the Croatian Employers’ Association (CEA), an association that represents, promotes and advocates for the interests of its members. The CEA
is a strong and independent voice of employers and entrepreneurs.
Leharova ul. 1
(Veteran Community Center)
Pula, 52 100
Victory Organics d.o.o.
(former Victory Minerals d.o.o.)
Lipovac 1, Nehaj
Petrijevci, 31 208
Tel: +385 52 384 511
GSM: +385 91 325 6325 (HR)
GSM: +49 1523 6724 106 (DE)
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